I wish I could just get a mental break

I’m just so tired and exhausted.

This impending case with the cyclist I accidentally hit 2 years ago is looming. I got a voicemail and an expedited notice saying I needed to call them back ASAP because it was jeopardizing the case. They even contacted my soon-to-be ex-husband. The irony of this is I double-checked my phone’s ringer. It was on but it didn’t ring so I missed the call. I just now remembered I still need to call them back. Go for calling in the moment since I now have today off.

I’m relieved a little that the paralegal seemed to understand. I explained it’s not that I’m avoiding ya’ll, I just have clinical ADHD so my brain often gets distracted even when I have the intention.

I’ve been pushing myself to be more social again. I’ve gone back to Al-anon a bit and bought a set of books. I need to find a sponsor.

I feel like shit because I’ve only been craving hot wings, loaded potato skins, and sour patch kids… oh and pringles which I ate this morning for breakfast

I went to my first Sex and Love addiction meeting a week ago. I really fit the bill as far characteristics go. I need to go to more.

I’m tired of feeling tired. I’m tired of feeling sad. I’m tired of emptiness.

I didn’t have a first massage client so I asked for later start. My boss was nice to just offer the day off since the books are empty in general. NEw therapists will appreciate it

I snapped the other morning in our employee group chat. I’m not super proud of how it came out but I needed to say it.

I was surprised at how my bosses responded. They didn’t see it as anyone’s fault just theirs for not equipping us all better on what and how to communicate amongst eachother. As well as how to go about upholding standards.

This year has felt like I’ve been treading water trying to get back to land. I thought the farther away from loss I would feel better but I just feel like I’m stuck at ground zero all over again.

I guess I can at least celebrate I did something to catch up on my adult chores this week.

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